• 3 possibilities :

    - The email address you entered doesn't match any of the email addresses registered in our database. In this case, please check which email address you used to create your account (a confirmation email was initially sent to you), then click on "Lost password" and enter the correct email address.

    - You have made a typing error when entering the email address to which the link to create a password must be sent. Click on "Lost password" and enter the correct email address.

    - You haven't entered the correct email address when creating your account. Please contact the organisation for which you submitted, or you would like to submit, a request and ask them to replace the first email address with the correct email address.

    Tip: If you have clicked more than once on "Lost password", only the last link received will be valid.

  • If you have clicked more than once on "Lost password", only the last link received will be valid.

  • If you use Internet Explorer 7 or 8, please try again with a more recent version (Internet Explorer from the 9th version) or with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

  • You can look over your project by :

    - opening the PDF you received in the confirmation of reception email after you submitted your first part.

    - going to "My account / Manage my requests" and by clicking on the link "view" under the first part of your project.

  • Once the person you invited will have completed her part and clicked on "validate and send", you will be immediately notified by email.

  • If you are sure you have the correct address, please check if your cookies are activated in your browser by clicking on this link: https://www.whatismybrowser.com/are-cookies-enabled. If the answer is "yes", you will have to delete the cookies.

    Below is a link where you will find the steps to follow in order to delete the cookies based on the browser you use: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/clear-cookies-installed.html.

    • every 2 minutes

    • every 30 seconds after a data has been entered or a change has been made

    • after having entered a first answer and started replying to the second question

    • when clicking on “previous screen” or “next screen”

    • when clicking on another screen on the menu on the left hand side of the interface
  • Please refer to the left side of the welcome page